How To Stay Safe From a Pickpockets During a Journey

Traveling to new places is something more than a hobby for many people. Traveling is a passion they live for it. It adds colors to their life experience overall. But when traveling to new places it always comes with new challenges and difficult situations, if you are not familiar with the culture and the people around you, while you travel then make sure to be extra careful and cautious. One of the biggest fears, while traveling is to find out someone, stole your wallet or other valuable items. Pickpockets are pretty common in tourist-rich areas. Therefore it is important to stay safe from pickpockets. Where you stay, where you buy, and whom you talk to, all these does Matter, and always make sure you keep personal belongings close to you safe and secure.

So how are you going to stay safe from pickpockets? When you travel :

1. Take precautions before leaving:

Make sure you always take precautions before you, set out to your destination, always think ahead try and predict what could possibly go wrong, especially if you are traveling alone make sure you do not tell any stranger you meet while traveling even if they seem to be very friendly. The place you are going to stay and how much you have in cash etc.

2. Go Cashless:

We live in an ERA where transfers of lakhs of rupees can be done within 2 seconds from the tip of your fingers through smartphones and cards. Take use of this technology as much as possible to avoid being robbed.

Make sure you have very little cash in hand only for emergency situations so that you can stay safe from pickpockets, rather than stacking up a wallet full of cash which evidently will give an opportunity for pickpockets.

3. How much you carry matters:

The number of bags you carry around while traveling does matter, The more bags you carry more people you attract. So you make sure you only carry things which are a priority. Try and avoid as many as bags you can, so can enjoy your travel without being worried about the number of bags.

4. Avoid crowded places:

The First major rule to follow when you’re traveling is always to avoid crowded places as much as possible. Crowded places are always a disadvantage even if you are extra cautious the chances of being robbed here are more.

You simply cannot always keep an eye on the number of people around you in a crowded place, it is impossible to know who is a pickpocket and who is not, So make sure you avoid such places to protect yourself from possible looting.

5. Avoid distraction:

I’m sure you meet plenty of friendly people when you travel, who later become an important part of your life but, it’s not always the case for many so make sure. You are extra cautious when you meet strangers.

Avoid being distracted never loses your focus on the things you carry with you, a stranger being friendly might just be a distraction for another to do his job.

There are some of the distraction tactics one should avoid.

Asking for a light, for time, the classic bump, or groups of young females pretending to be charity workers. All of these diversion tactics are designed to distract you enough.

6. Secured equipment:

Use secured wallets and handbags always when you set out to travel. Make use of a money belt keep your wallet inside it, always use luggage bags that are secured with a lock system, and must be durable and well built and anti-theft.

7. Avoid being on phone 24/7:

being on your phone constantly will mean that you are not completely aware of your surroundings.

If you are constantly taking photos on your phone it makes it very obvious that you are a tourist. Pickpockets know that tourists usually carry a good amount of cash when traveling for emergencies. This will make you a target.

8. Avoid wearing expensive brands:

avoid wearing expensive brands. This makes you an instant target as a thief may assume that you have lots of money on you and may steal right under your nose. Pickpockets a true art form and it is amazing what people can steal.


It’s not easy to spot the pickpocket, as he or she is often part of a gang. The pickpocket will not easily stand out to you, but even if you do spot him or her, it could always be part of their tactic to distract you. Remember that it is their job to blend in and stay hidden from you,  but they are present and can be seen as long as you look around.

Often, it is the person who is hanging around in locations of a heavily crowded area, spotting passers-by. This pickpocket will focus on the open bags or pockets, This person is a master at blending into the background and will spend his or her time, patiently watching as you. These are the people, who are walking around the same area, going nowhere fast. Remember that they are looking for their next victim, observing what the victim is doing, how they take out their purse or wallet. Should you be aware of this type of activity.

On a positive level, what we can do is maintain a good level of awareness and be aware of our own personal security. Understand the pickpocket’s tactics will help increase our overall awareness when we are out traveling. and will help to stay safe from pickpockets.

